To my sickly little frien

Listening to: Work
Feeling: abandoned
Heather (mini Sara), Oh God! you're not here. Why couldn't you be here? Today of all days! It sux. I feel like sit, mainly because of things with Kevin. But yeh. My day has sucked and it's only 10:25am. It started sucking when Dustin said that you weren't here. UGH! Makayal was over your man this morning, he was ignoring her. Which is good because I would kill him it were otherwise. I went to Mrs. Biehl this morning for help and she didn't know what to tell me. Just to come and see her is I needed to. Gid this day is going downhill. I didn't get to see Jesse either, this is killing me, I see. And this class, I swear. Kevin actually wants to know what's wrong. And you aren't here to tell me what to do. I feel so hopeless. Anyways. I found this sweet poem for me (involving Kevin). I'll show you later. I hope you feel better, and I miss you. Luv your sis, Britt (mini Eva)
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that's so sweet!! the next time i'm sick i'm going to remember to get on aim and sitdiary!!! i totally forgot!!
anyway i'll talk to you on aim.. which you are away from so you need to come back!!!!!!

oh and by the way i'm not sick anymore !!!

whew whew