I will fear no evil! I will fear no evil

Feeling: angry
I have to sit in this godforsaken class for 3 fucking hours!! I will kill 3/4 of this class b4 it is over. I swear. I feel like shit and this is the last thing that I need right now. After last nite, the LAST thing I need is to have to listen to these godforsaken dumbasses. And we have a fucking test. One that I wasn't here for and she's still making me take it. This is bull-shit. Total bull shit!!!! I fucking hate this class and this godforsaken world. I so should have skipped today. This is total crap. I hate this skool and these teachers and all these fucking students!!!
And for those of you who don't like what I write on here. OH WELL!!! I can say whatever the fuck I want and you have no right to tell me what to say. If you don't like it, don't read it!!! Got it? Good!
On another note. Last time was the 1st in months. I hate myself. I hate everything about myself. How I lived this long idk. I'm so ready to fucking screw the world. It sounds good to me. I'm just so fucking tired of people!!!
I can't take this anymore. It just hurts too much. I'm so tired of feeling worthless. There's just no point in me even trying anymore. I don't know anymore. I can't think about anything anymore. Its just driving me insane and I can't take it. I just don't care anymore.
I love him so much. Its killing me. Its tearing me too pieces. and it's stupid for me to feel this way. So stupid. I mean, he's Kevin, our Kevin, I'm in love with our Kevin!!! it's so fucked up that it isn't even funny. I'm so stupid for falling for him, I should have known that I was just gonna get my heart-broken. I hate it. I just wish he knew. All he's concerned about is her. He has someone right in front of him who would do anything to be there for him, and be there with him, and yet all he cares about his her. It hurts so bad. My heart hurts so bad and its making me sick, like literally sick. I don't eat anymore, so I'm losing weight. And I'm running so much to get my anger out that its causing me to lose weight as well. God this fucking sucks. I just wanna be happy. Is that too much to ask?
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*pulls out hair*

you still alive over there? this totally sux. 3 hours of grammer...
that's awful. i'm sorry you're going through that...
yeah... it's a sad situation. think of the cupcakes. :)

the cupcakes will be good.

and he doesn't have her. she has a b/f and a g/f. i highly doubt she wants anything to do with him. and just because he likes her has nothing to do with him not making a commitment with you. he's just like that.if he thinks he can get into her pants easier than you than he's going to stay that way. that's how guys are and i hate them all! (until i find 1.):)
yeah i know. you've pretty much told him everything and everything else he figured ut for himself. it's hard i know. it's like being in a relationship with someone that you can't even get a hug out of. but that's ok. it happens to everyone.
hey. ok i know i dont know u tht well but i cant stnd to see any1 hurt THAT much.
I know EXACTLY how u feel. i was n total love w/ this guy. i watchd his every move, i tresurd evrythng he evr said 2 me. i kept the wrappers 2 the candies he gave me 4 goodnes sake! i lovd him and evrythng bout him. and u know where he is right now? going out with one of my CLOSE friends and it sux, but somehow i made it thru and all 3 of us are really close again