But the drummer's got a girl-friend and she's tugging on his

today was good
French we ate Couscous and drank tea. defined words for the exam review. then sat there and just had a good time
Geometry Baber still didn't have our SOL scores. *sigh* we graded our tests and I got a 103. then we helped him grade papers for his College level classes. then he orded Chinese food just so Rio and Anita would shut-up
PE sat there and talked to Crystal, Elise, Nicole, and Lane. it was pretty boring since Julie didn't bother coming
Lunch OMG!!! MARK IS ALIVE!!! AND HE'S BACK!!! it was fun. voted. talked to Lane and Mark and Nicole. then sat there and talked to Adrianna, Mark, Jesse, and Chad.
DS read my book. then Patrick and I watched Lane play Sonic on his I-Book
Bio I got a 489 on my SOL!!! that translates into a B for my exam. I still have a fucking C for the year though. but she hasn't done Wildlife yet. Grrrr. then we watched a movie about Koko!? it was funny and sad.
rode the bus home alone b/c people didn't bother to show up. then came home and I've been listening to music since then comment me. I'm UBER bored
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