Live your life with arms wide open

Oh how I've missed you Sitdiary. my week was interesting
Tuesday Kevin denied that he was mad. still wouldn't talk to me. w/e
Wednesday now apperantly we're best-friends again
Thursday ignoring me is not the way to get me to like you. w/e. Rio (from geometry) needs to learn how to shut her trap sometimes
Friday so I'll just end things myself. its over. everything and anything that ever was. its over
Friday nite oh the joys of watching Clinton and Stacey dress 7 people @ once. it was great. and two hours of Gary Sinise in tight jeans and old t-shirts, beard included does wonders for ones broken heart :)
Saturday dad and I discovered that Cody seems to have a thing for Jeff's yard. emptying the pool caused RC to laugh. we had a little too much fun w/ that. Baseball games make my world. cute guys ALWAYS sit behind you and taunt you. I almost lost my head, literally. two homeruns. won $50 to Bass Pro Shop. I'm sooo kool now. (not)
Sunday 6:00am is not my friend. silver dollar pancakes are supposed to be the size of silver dollars. Nick sings X-Mas carols at the oddest times. splashing in a foot of water w/ him makes me day. dad really needs to get over the fact that Nick is better looking than him. too cold to swim. Michaels and Party City, look out, b/c I need a job. Target is love. Dollar tree PaNoodles are the shit. swimming w/ dad makes me wonder about his mental stability. spent hours in front of the TV. ate too much junk. BCCT rocks my whole fucking world.
two weeks of skool left.
twoo weeks 'till Biehl leaves :'(
18 days until we leave for NC
one month and a day 'till the big 16 comment me I'm bored and can't sleep
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