get down the beach A.S.A.P

Listening to: T.G.I.F - Lonestar
Feeling: crappy
this morning sat there by myself for a while. then Heather came over and we were making fun of Krissy's haircut b/c it looks like shit. then Kevin came over and I got a hug. *grins* then we just stood there until the bell rang. then Heather and I walked down and talked to Mrs. Biehl and I told her about Nicole's "accident" in tennis yesterday. she laughed. then Heather and I went to my class and talked for a few minutes then she left.
English we took a Mug Shots quiz which was easy. then we finished watching Othello in which 3/4 of the main cast died. it was great
Driver's Ed sitting here in his freezing cold trailer in shorts. I'm not lying, its like 30 degrees in here and this one girl has on a mini-skirt. I know that she's bound to be cold. but anyways. that's all I have so far. I know we're going to go out driving soon *shudders*. so far I have 6hrs. 20 min. of the 40hrs I need. but then again, I do have until October to do so. lol.
Tennis it was interesting. Lane was showing off his boobs to everyone. it was very weird.
Lunch Lane was telling disturbing jokes about his ass. and then Mark and Jesse were making fun of Julie, saying that she wasn't a virgin. it was great. lol.
DS Kevin didn't come to DS and that sucks. b/c I really really wanted to see him. *sigh*. guess not.
comment me I'm bored. and I'm thinking I'm gonna do some surveys so check them out if I put any up.
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