[*165*] Heart Attack?

Feeling: happy
( 11:10pm ) Yeah I know I haven't updated in a while... Umm Saturday I chilled with Matt and his friends then I went out to eat with his family. Chilled with Alicia on Sunday, we went to the movies and saw "The First Daughter"...it pretty much sucked especially the ending. Spent Monday with Matt also...Tuesday umm Sarah came over and we pigged out on Dominoes...lmao she tried to taste a strawberry flavored condom through the wrapper...what an idiot. Then of course, she shares her thoughts of the day...she wants to have sex with her boyfriend Mike during a thunderstorm...and yeah there's more to that but it's too detailed and very odd haha. Found out that Megan lost her virginity to her friend Jay...she was smashed as hell as usual...she could possibly be pregnant since she took birth control afterwards and the condom broke *sigh* Chilled with Matt and his friends today...they were doing jumps with the bikes and grinding with the skateboards and shit...Matt like crushed his nuts...(nice one babe) lol. Matt crashed into me and Nick so we all went like flying in the air in the middle of the street...basically had a heart attack. Umm me and Matt kinda like got caught being upstairs when his stepdad got home...so we heard a lecture on that one haha. And Matt is probably gonna get mad at me for putting this but not like anybody that knows us reads this anyways...a seagull shit on him at school today HAHA! Sorry lol. That was funny how I teased you with your finger in my mouth lol. Oh yeah...Ron and Matt are in this big fight too by the way haha! Funny shit. Shaun called...damn and everyone thought he was dead lol...but yeah he's cool with the fact that me and him aren't together anymore...he was like "yeah we're probably better off as friends like how it was in the beginning"...(I could've told him that lol)...so we're still friends. Just got off the phone with Ron like a half hour ago...couldn't understand him half the time cause he still didn't get his voice back lol...FROG! Tomorrow is one week for me and Matt...hehe I love you so much!!! Two hearts as one...together forever 9-23-04
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