[*185*] Gone In A Flash

Listening to: Down - 311
Feeling: hyper
Monday was really interesting... I'm sitting at my computer and I hear the doorbell ring and it's Matt, Marjorie, and the rest of the guys. Matt tells me some fat bitch stole Andrew's bike. So I go with them. We go to the Foodtown plaza...and this fat bitch starts cursing all of us off and shit...it was so funny lol. So we're all over the place and we go to the person's house and the mother comes outside bugging out on us saying that she found the bike in the dumpster or some shit and that we have to talk to the daughter to get the bike back. The bitch started threatening to call the cops on us and she told us to shove the bike up our asses lol. So we go looking for the daughter who is in like 4th grade...we find her at fucking Burger King stuffing her face lol...Marjorie flipped a fucking shit on her it was so hilarious. We followed her all the way home...and we see the mother on the phone with the cops so we all fucking booked our asses out of there so fast in all different directions lmao! We head up to the Cattus woods and the fucking fatass bitch came after us in a car so we booked our asses into Matt's neighborhood lmao! Nick and the other guys were hiding in a tree lol. Me, Matt and Marjorie head back to Matt's house. Matt whipped me in the face with a dish towel and it was wet so it left a mark on my face lol. Then I tried grabbing the knife out of his hand and he wound up cutting me, then licked the blood off my hand...ewww lol. That's when the rest of the guys showed up. Rob's tooth fell out and he thought it was a piece of popcorn lmao! They all sprayed Axe on their hands and started lighting each other on fire and Matt lit his nipple on fire lmao! Then he drank some beer which he got in trouble for later on lol. Matt kissed me which I definitely did not expect lol. Yesterday... I chilled with Sarah, Matt, and Andrew at my house. Matt kept headbutting me in the forehead so I have huge bumps on my forehead now and it hurts so bad lol. We kept wrestling the rest of the time...and Andrew decided to join in and I bit him...broke the skin too lol. And Sarah decided to hit Matt repeatedly with my brush and somehow had his wrist dislocated and he got really pissed, wrapped his chain around his hand and was going to hit Sarah until I calmed him down. Then he was begging me to give him head the whole time *rolls eyes* lol. Later on Corey IM'd me saying that he likes me and that we should be together lol...he picked me up around 6:15pm to go to his house...and we're sitting on his couch cuddling, he starts sucking on my finger...running his fingers across my chest, holding my hand, starts kissing on my neck and sucking on it, he gets on top of me and yeah well umm I don't think I need to get into more detail...but yeah he wouldn't leave me alone the whole time so we hooked up. So now I have hickeys on my neck lol. They are impossible to hide lol. He was high so he doesn't remember shit which I think he does still remember and is just saying that. He took me home at like 7:30pm. I told Ronny about it and he broke up with me and walked out of my life calling me a slut and told me to go to hell. Matt got really pissed at me too and said he wasn't gonna talk to me. Today... I was sitting alone at lunch and Matt came up from behind me and I was like "I thought you were mad" and he's like "Ron may have walked out of your life but you can't get rid of me." I was like so happy, but still sad cause of Ronny. Paul actually chilled with us during lunch for once. Matt was feeding the seagulls so close to us they were like scaring the shit out of me lol cause they came to close and I didn't want to get shit on lol. I bugged out on Corey during Gym and he had that grin on his face and told me he would talk to me later and when I got home he was like "I really don't remember fucking you Pam"...grrrrrrrrrrr!!!! So now I'm single again! Nothing out of the ordinary lol. I hate my life...too much drama! Right now I'm talking to Frankie...Ron unblocked me but still hasn't IM'd me...so confusing. But yeah anyway that's the update for now...peace.
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