[*131*] One Step Closer...

Feeling: hellagood
YESTERDAY... My mom took me to McDonald's to get some food and to visit my friend Mike Rodriguez cause he works there. Well he wasn't working the drive-thru window like he normally does...he was like training some new girl and he saw us pull up and he was like all excited that I was there. I had my awesome hat on that I bought. So he came to the window and started talking to me saying... "Pam! G-Unit!!! You're so gangster now. Where'd you get that hat from? Against All Odds?" I was like "yeah." Then he started talking to my mom saying "Where is she getting this from? You're turning her into a gangster." The new girl was trying to hand my mom our drinks but Mike was in the way cause he was hanging out the window talking to me. He turns to the girl and said "This is Pam, you MUST talk to Pam when she comes to the drive-thru." And she's like looking at Mike like he's nuts. He was still hanging outside the window and his boss comes up behind him and starts yelling at him to get back to work and get out of the way. It was so funny. I was beat red the whole time lol. Later on that night I IM'd him and we had a funny ass conversation...I wound up sending him nude pics that he's been wanting...I'm weird I know but he seemed to like them hehe. Megan said that I should go out with Mike instead of my "flamer boyfriend." She was like "Mike lives around the block he can come see you anytime while you're flamer boyfriend never comes over anymore." Ron got in a car accident that day too. He's okay, he's not hurt or anything. But he never told me what happened and I want to know lol. When he told me I started crying...cause I realised that I could've lost my entire world...that he could've died and I would never be able to see him again. You realise how much someone really means to you when you almost lose them. I love you Ron!!! Jack started talking to me again that night. I was SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!!! I got my buddy back :-D YEAH! I love you Jack, you're the best man! I was on the phone with Megan until like 3:00am talking about Mike lol. TODAY... Nothing happened today. I was supposed to ride my bike to Megan's house with Sarah to Silverton...I was planning to ride my bike to Ron's house too. But yeah that didn't happen...not quite sure why exactly. But anyways now that Jack forgave me and we're friends again...I'm one step closer to being alot more happy and to have a better life...I just need to fix some more things in my life then it's all good. But it's going to take a long time and alot of work *sigh*.
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I like the wuote on your diary, but is "blindful" a word?