[*166*] Skipping...

Listening to: Duality - Slipknot
Feeling: bloated
Yesterday I chilled with Matt and his friends...they were skateboarding doing tricks and shit. This one little kid thought me and Matt were married cause of the ring on my finger lol aww so cute. When Matt was walking me home along with his sister we were passing Missy's house and Matt was walking really slow and the guy get's out of Mike's car and starts bugging out calling Matt a slacker and that he's a pussy cause he just kept on walking. I turned around and I was like "how about you shut the fuck up!" and the guy was like "how about you shut the fuck up you ugly ass gargoyle" and I was like "how about you say that to my fucking face" and he kept calling us pussies as we kept walking...I was about to fucking go after the guy I was so pissed off. I spent like all night trying to find out who the fuck he was and yeah I haven't really accomplished that yet unfortunately. Today me and Matt skipped 7th and 8th period cause we didn't want to go to the pep rally cause it's so fucking retarded. So we went to McDonald's during our lunch and headed up to Cattus Island Park and chilled there. Matt's umm "friend" was popping in and out every now and then haha! He was like destroying all the trees...we were pushing each other and he had a serious face on and I seriously thought he was pissed off and he was going to hit me, I was like scared backing away, but the brat was messing with my head. We then headed up to one of his neighbor's house and she let us chill there until the bus passed by so it would look like we got off at his bus stop lol. Matt told his stepdad that he was taking me home and on the way to my house Joe (his friend) came with us...we were passing Missy's house and these two douche bags tried jumping Joe, I had a bad feeling about those 2 assholes...I knew we should've stayed together I would've fucking went after them. I told my mom about me skipping and she didn't bug on me and she told my dad and he didn't bug but then again I didn't talk to him yet either cause I went to sleep before he got home from work. Woke up and ate dinner and fell back asleep. Woke up at 8:30pm...talked to Matt, Jimmy G, and Ron online. Just got off the phone with Ron now...he's coming over to chill tomorrow...and Matt is probably going to show up and kick his ass lol. Dude I just like pulled a teeny tiny tick off of me...it was umm down there...have no clue how it got there probably cause I was sitting on the ground in the park possibly? Hopefully I don't have anymore lol. I talked to Megan on the phone when I got home...she's getting drunk with Missy and Corey and Jay, etc. Monday will be interesting...I'll be getting my first pink slip ever lol. Missy is moving to Lacey to live with her uncle cause her grandma (who she lives with) is dying. I found out today that one of my friends (Nicole) is dying...she has a contagious lung disease, she can't come to school anymore...so I'm not really having a fun night at all, really upset. Yeah I know me and Nicole aren't like the best of friends but I still care about her. Life just fucking sucks all together. I love you always and forever Matt!!! 9-23-04
Read 3 comments
Awww... thanks for your comment! And I really like your diary. Like REALLY!
Hey Pam! I am adding you to my friends list, okay?! Cuz you're so cool and nice like that!

hey hey
I really like ur diary :)
I love ur topleft picture :)
you said sumthin about skippin ur pep rally ..urs couldnt have been as bad as mine..omg I wanted to shout myself :P lol..it was a day for the preppies! lol

♥ Megan