[*218*] One Hell Of A Ride Continued...

Feeling: determined
Don't worry Matt... I've changed... I'm not gonna cheat... I promise you forever! Jen called me up yesterday crying... cus her parents are gonna put one of her dogs to sleep, aww! :o( Hahaha oh wow... yeah I chilled with Shaun and Jen last weekend. That was ALOT of fun! He flirts so bad it's kinda confusing cus he said he wasn't ready for a relationship yet he kept hugging, holding me and kissed me before he left. But anyways... Jen was hungry and wanted to go to McDonald's so we went to the one on Route 37 instead of the one by my house cus he wanted to take us for a ride in his new car. Well it was raining out that night. So it made it alot more scary/fun. He floored it and then out of no where... a dude in a Mustang is in the lane next to us... yelled out to Shaun calling him a bitch and took off. And the next thing I knew... ZOOM! Shaun floored it after the Mustang... I was holding on to the head of the seat screaming my head off trying to put my seatbelt on cus I had shotgun. Jen was in the back and I grabbed hold of her hand and was like "Jen you know I love you right" lol. So we were chasing after this guy for like 10 minutes. I seriously like almost pissed my pants cus I'm not used to people driving like that lol. As soon as we got to McDonald's I went straight for the bathroom lol. Then when we left... a Manchester cop was driving in the lane next to us... so of course Shaun had to be a smartass and tease the shit out of the cop since he was out of his jurisdiction... it was funny he was pretending he was gonna take off. Cop got all mad, dropped back a few feet to check Shaun's plates... but he couldn't do anything about it lol. It was hilarious. Then we went back to my house and just chilled playing music... bringing out the EMO in ourselves lmao! The guys that live on my street have been starting shit lately... never know when to keep their fucking mouths shut. I fuckin hate them. Some of them are Tommy's friends. I brought it up to him and he's all like "they're just kidding around"... yeah okay! I still talk to Jimmy every now and then. So I haven't lost complete touch with him... which is good cus I never want to. What really pisses me off though is that he comes down to Toms River and doesn't come to see me!!! But I'm glad he's finally found someone that he loves and is happy. Goodluck Jimmy and Jenna!!! Alicia hasn't been doing too good lately :o( It's okay girlie... things will get better... you know I'm always here for ya girl! Best friends forever! We may not be sisters by blood but we're definitely sisters by heart!!! Sarah was hooking up with black Blood that's like 15 years old... and he was trying to control her and shit... wow... and she wound up kicking him out of her car and leaving him there lmao! GO SARAH!!! lol Me and Corey still fight alot... and he still tries to get ass out of me. But he's just gonna have to deal with the fact that me and him are done hooking up and just friends. DJ wanted me to go with him to Six Flags yesterday... sorry I didn't go with you. And we've been trying to hang out with Jake lately but he's being really fuckin shady ugh! lol I haven't been to OneEighty in a long time... I miss it and everyone there... but I never have a ride there :o( Hopefully I can go sometime soon.
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Hey Pam! How are you? It's been such a long time since I've written to you or gottne a comment from you. How have you been? I miss you. You were always a nice girl. I tend to sometimes neglect my friends because I never appreciate anyone. Or so people tell me. Anywho, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I will be nice from now on, I promise!

♥ Sarah