Wine and a little cry

Listening to: Journey
I wasted today. No, not GOT wasted, like I did absolutely nothing. Maybe I shouild get what some would call a life and quit flushing my waste down the sewage system of videogames. MNaybe I need to call people and see what they are up to more often. Maybe I, no. I probably wouldnt have the effort to anyway. Everyone had fun at prom, I am glad. ps- Who is up for starbucks? It's on me. But only bc I stole STK's Starbucks card. pps- Dont tell him or you dont get your venti double-whipped caramel frapp with soy. -Steve
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your going to take Katie and I to luv you lots Steve

KAY xoxox
stevey... you owe me ice cream. but ill take a starbucks supltiment.
