A loved man

Listening to: Jamie Cullum
Feeling: sane
Ok, I know at the biginning I never planned on making this an emotional journal, but thats who I am. A few years back my uncle Bob, the first born of ten, was diagnosed with brain cancer. He went through some bad times, but when we all saw him at my grandfathers birthday party he was looking great. His chemotherapy had been working and he was his old, fun self again. Well, a few weeks ago he did some chemo that was risky, and could kill him or work wonders. Fate decided to grant him the former, and he fell ill early this week. My father and sister went to Fresno, Cali to be with him. But I couldnt. I didnt want to, somehow. The only think keeping him alive has been a respirator, though you could see he was fighting with all god gave him to breathe on his own. The plans were to take him off the respirator today to let him breathe by hisself. Well, tests this morning showed his blood pressure drop to zero, and the family was faced with a decision. He hadnt been looking like he was going to make it, so they took himm off of the respirator, and my Uncle Bob, an amazingly smart man and cunning entrepeneur, died at around 9 this morning. I'll miss you, Uncle Bob. I regret never getting to know you closer. I wont make that same mistake with the rest of my loved ones. .smp
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hey i'm really sorry to hear about your Uncle Bob man. make sure to send my deepest regrets to your family. love ya man.

Im sorry, steve. I hope you and your family are okay.

When my grandpa died I listened to all of his friends and family and was like my grandpa is awesome and was a great guy. I wish I would have spent more time listening to him--he was smart. Ne ways I'm sorry about your loss and just keep remmbering the good times you had with him.

Hope you feel better. I'm here if you wanna talk even though I don't know you.
Yah homie, im real sorry to hear bout ur uncle, but he's in a better place now where nothing can hurt him. Big up to Unc B luv ya man
Luv IM sorry to hear about your uncle, I know how it feels to lose someone you loved even if you did not really know him.. But like scott said he is in a better place.. I luv you Steve..

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