Feeling: amused
I'm looking for a movie to rent, a movie to rent, a movie to rent. I'm looking for a movie to rent I wonder which i'll choose. By the time you comment on that I'll have rented one so don't even bother. I rarely update this site anymore now that i've followed the cult that is undermining America's youth (or at least, I sure hope so) and I joined MySpace. I know, jusy a boring little scenester. I have realised that I rarely like to drink nowadays. Like, in the alchoholic sense. I used to drink with groups of friends at every chance, anything and everything to loosen up some tongues. But now it's just more fun to sit back and chill and not get wasted. I guess I just figured where is the real fun in not being able to see straight? On that note, I went drinking last night with more or less an amended version of the gang. There were other vices. Yeah, no. Not a big druggie here. So I just enjoyed hanging out, telling stories, meeting a new face, and just all in all relishing the last 12 weeks we have here in this world called high school. Even more important to me than remembering the knowledge is remembering the faces, times, and adventures that I currently hold dear. .Steve
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Yeah dude I never thought a pringles can could be so cool! But you're right we rarely drink anymore...must be saving the black out nights for college ;) lol i know what movies you rented!

Your page is cool.

x3 Alanna
No I didn't draw it. :P I'm not talented.

x3 Alanna