I've got the keep him away from the grill

Listening to: Nuttin
Feeling: kinky
I want to know waht Kawaii means. The title is a quote from the crazy lady with the duffle bags who talkes to herself in Safeway. Well, the job starts tomorrow. I'm kinda excited. I've got some plans with the money already, including a celebration of my first paycheck(Starbucks with the ladies) and also things I'd like to buy with what I dont save. Me and the brothers in the WLC are all trying to put about $50 away for studio-time each, so that is some. Plus I need new clothes, and also there are some CD's I've been looking into. Other than that, most of it gets put away for another time. My dad went out to the bar lsat night and got some digits. When I asked him how many, in his drunken state he replied "Seven, I got Seven digits".....the smart ass. That is what I am destined to become, a 40-something looking for digits in a bar at midnight, half drunk. Cause lord knows love will have an itneresting time working out for me... .Steve
Read 3 comments
Um, i think kawaii means cute. Or something to that affect.

I'd hit on you in a bar.


Hey there Steve! I hope when you say Starbucks with the ladies that i am included! I am down by your house every day for school... call me!
<3 Katie
LOL 7...7 digits. Your dad's a crack-up; when do I get to meet him?
Good luck with your job tomorrow! Try to have fun with it and don't forget to save 10% of everything you earn (that's advice from my economics teacher). Bon chance!