Listening to: Jamie Cullum
Feeling: fabulous
My job is pretty chill. I chose a fairly....plump amount of hours too. Seeing as I have nothing else to do. I work 3-9 on Tuesdays through Fridays, then I work 10-5 on Saturdays and I take Sundays and Mondays off.
It should remain rather consistent, so now yous guys know when we can chill.
The best thing is, I can still Chill with the guys all night and go to work at 3. *super-grin*
And, well, now the sappy part of my entries:
If I expected love when first we kissed, blame it on my youth. If only just for you I did exist, blame it on my youth. I believed in a child of three. You meant more than anything, you meant all the world to me...
God I love Cullum. And weither or not those song quotes have a literal adaptation to my life right now...we may never know ;D
I read that when I was reading something about the Beatles--