
Today was pretty okay. Everyone kept asking me about the party though...and I don't know, I just don't want to talk about it. Like about more than three or so people came up to me today and asked what Tara and I did in the bathroom. Why does it matter? Some of the people who asked me, didn't even go to the party, so I'm guessing theres this rumor going around school that Tara and I did something in the bathroom...oh well. It also doesn't help that my whole Social Studies class thinks I'm gay, or atleast that what it seemed like. Friday we had to vote, now really, I don't like either of our choses of presidents, but if I had to pick, it would be Kerry. So, in class today we were discussing why we picked either Bush or Kerry, and he called on me, and I was like, 'Because Kerry supports Gay marriges and abortion, and Bush doesn't.' and everyone was like 'OMG THERE IS SOMETHIN' WRONG WIT HUR!!!'. Mr. Barnette said I had a good point, so atleast the teacher wasn't upset about my opinion like everyone else in my class... Ugh...I forgot about how much homework I have. God, I don't want to do it, but of course I'm going to end up doing it, or copying off someone's paper tomorrow. I think I failed my Spanish test today, in fact, I'm about 89% sure I did. I didn't study, which I usually don't, but I didn't know ANY of it. It was sad... I don't have lunch with Matt, Ben, or Dan anymore, so maybe I won't have to deal with them anymore, but I also don't get to have lunch with Tara, which is really upseting. I hardly got to be with her today. Everyone was talking about how my shoes didn't match today. Even Mr. Huffman made a comment about it in class, it was pretty embarassing. He just like said out of no where, 'Alex, maybe you shouldn't change in the dark anymore...' and then he was like 'You're wearing two differnt pairs of shoes. Ugh....he's ALWAYS trying to embarass me. Oh well. I don't care. I hate it when he's grounded. And now he's not un grounded till Sunday. Atleast I still get to see him at school...but that's not enough, I can't tell him how my days going at school, I can't tell him how the day went. I only get like 10 min. to talk to him at the beginning of school 3 min to talk to him after 3d peirod, and 10 min. to talk to him after school. It's just not enough. Maybe I should start waiting for him after 2nd again. Hmm..I dunno. I'm so bored. I'm gonna go...bye
Read 5 comments
People are stupid. Dont listen to them.
Just do what you want and things will work out for you.
I'm bi too Alex, we'll I'm assuming you are. and I put up with alot of stuff form my dad [he doesnt know about me, but he HATES gays] so I kinda know how you feel. plus pike is not very gay-friendly.
Mr.Barnette ROCKS! haha. Huffman sucks.

I hope you get to talk to Greg, its not fair you guys dont get to see each other.
nah, he says alot of other things. I just dont let it get to me.

In art these girls always talk about how gays are so "stupid" and stuff..it REALLY pisses me off. Grr..
Yeah, Im World Geography, we had a debate over abortions, and everybody was giving me hell because I was for pro-choice and they were like HOW CAN YOU KILL A LIVING THING?
1. its not living, and sometimes conditions make it better if the child wasnt around.
2.they kill meat
yeah, I agree about the rape and being too young. Its the womans choice. Men just dont understand. I mean after the conseption part, they dont have to have anything to do with teh baby, but the woman however has to care for it her whole life, and everything..I dunno, I mean I still dotn think killing babies is right, but I think it should be the womans choice. Every situation is different.
yeah, especially when the president is a man and he will never go through a desicion like that. WOW your font is hard to read all blurry liek that. haha. i gotta go. love ya, bye!
at least you fucking care, unlike everyone else.. its nice.