Today was okay. I got better grades than I thought I would on our progress reports. I have an A+ in Spanish, an A+ in English, a C in Science, a D in Ochrastra, and a F in Math. I'm kinda glad they didn't put our Social Studies grades on our progress reports, only because I most likey have a F in that class. But I dunno, it could be a D er something. I wish they would have put my computer class grade on it though, because I KNOW I had an A+ in that class. Oh well.
I need a new layout, because this one sorta sucks. It's just...I dunno.
I'm going to get my pictures developed tonight, hopefully they will be good.
I think I did a good job on my English assignment last night. It was really long, and not ELEMENTRY. Hah. I used descriptive words and everything.
YEAH! PARTY TOMORROW! Weeeeee yea, something to look forward to! Catie's house is so much fun.
I'm so bored, I have nothing to talk about. Soooooooooooooo I'm going to GO....Bye.
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