Eh...I'm sick. I went to school for like ten minutes and then I threw up....THIS FUCKING SUCKS. Oh well. Greg said he was sick too. I think there's something going around. It started off with me waking up and realizing that my throat hurt really bad. Then I went in the shower and started hacking up a whole bunch of sick shit. Then I went to school and felt worse, then I was talking to Greg, and right when the teacher came to split us up I felt like I was going to throw up, I was walking down the hallway coughing, then I was talking to Tara for a little bit and felt a little bit better, then I went into Science for like 3 min, right when Mr. Huffman was talking I almost threw up into my hands and I was making noises indicateing that I had to throw up so he was like 'GO GO IT'S OKAY' so I ran into the restroom, and Miss Riggs sent me to the clinic. Ugh...this sucks. I don't even feel sick anymore...I kinda want to go back to school.... Oh well...atleast I didn't have to take that dumb Science quiz...but I will have to take it tomorrow....O.o Okay, I'll write more later...now I think I'll lay in bed for a while... Edit: I was looking at Gretchen's diary today, and the icon that says 'Sticks and stones may break her bones but names could make her starve herself to death', and it just made me cry, it's so true, and it just keeps reminding me of Ben, Dan, and Matt. Ugh...my throat hurts. I hate this. I hate being sick. I hope it's not like last year where like the whole school got sick except for like ten people. I was sick for like two fucking weeks last year. I hope it's not like that again. God, I hope it's not like that again. I look at my diary and it's not that happy. I wish it were, I wish I had a diary that people would enjoy to read. Only 4 more days till he's ungrounded. I can't wait. I wish it were Sunday. God, I hate this. And I only saw him once today, and it's felt like I haven't seen him for a week. This sucks. I have no idea whats going on with him. I need to actually talk to him. The whole day I basically slept, and tomorrow I'm going to have so much homework, it's going to suck. And I'll have to make up quizes and worksheets...god. I prolly missed out on taking important notes. I most likely missed out on alot of important stuff. GOD DAMMIT! Ugh... I HATE THESE NIGGER PUSSIES-Tara lol she just said that out of no where...it was hillarious.
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i enjoy reading this, and if i caught im grounded longer, so i might stop, but its all i have, your intoxicating, i love you, you make me happy just being there with me, i love you