
Feeling: boyish
"There is a house in New Orleans, And they it the Rising Sun. It's been the ruin for many poor boys, And God, I know I'm one." Bob Dylan -- "The House of the Rising Sun" So, I finally got "House of the Rising Sun" finished up. It's the only song I can play on guitar the whole way through. I'd like to do it for Battle of the Bands, but I doubt they would like me standing by my lonesome on stage with an acoustic strapped around my shoulders. :D. I think I have an "OK" singing voice (which would go well with the Bob Dylan thing), but I'm really afraid. I'll sign up and see what happens. Hopefully My cheering section will cheer for me when I get up there ;D. Anywho, my mom went to the Bookworm today, and she saw Will. Carla, she gave me full permission that if you ever need me, you can call me and I will be there. She has heard all about the Will thing; She knows I told you I would be there to comfort and protect; and she appreciates that you want me to do it. Love you! Thanks everyone for the kind words and sympathy. I'm dealing with this thing the only way I know how: Music and venting through serious workout time. I'll talk to you all about it if you want, and I won't be uncomfortable. I promise. Car, if the subject presents itself, we'll talk. :) Otherwise, I'm done for now.
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Hi! You're sitting right next to me! Hmm, what to say, what to say? HI!
Love ya,
i like that song! it's a pretty cool one
i hope you know that if you ever need anything you can come and talk to me!
HI Kyle! its lisa! i didnt know you had one of these coolie! you should so do that for battle of the bands I will give you a standing ovation even iff you sucked! lol jk jkI best that yoi will kick ass! anyways I'll ttyl