
Feeling: affectionate
Time at Clare: 23:30. Time at Ellsworth: 21:30. I dropped TWO MINUTES!! WOOT FOR ME!! Hell, Saturday was a day and a half for our whole team. Chase: 16th, Me: 21st, Colin: 32nd, Zack: 35th, John: 36th. The girls did great too. Cat: 3rd!!!, Rachel: 13th, Katie: 19th, Megan: 23rd, and a million others. I'm very content with my life these days. I mean, it's hectic, but I still likes it. Had an awesome weekend this past one. I love hanging out with Car; I love shopping withher, even though she usually hates me afterwards. I keep making her spend money. :)
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erm....just thought i'd say hello.