Gov't Mule

Feeling: lovesick
Behold! More dodging out of what I know I need to do to pass this damn class, without any regard to what is going on around me! Wahooo! A - AGE: 17 B - BAND LISTENING TO MOST RECENTLY: Fleetwood Mac, The Killers C - CRUSH: Carla, maybe myself D - DAD'S NAME: Jeff E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Not many, I have this little problem about keeping things inside. F - FAVORITE BAND: The Who, Paul McCartney G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: Bears, bizatch H - HOMETOWN: Eaton Rapids I - INSTRUMENT: Bass guitar, guitar, piano, some woodwinds J - JUICE: Apple juice K - KIDS: Don't have any, at least any that I know of... L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Jackson to Houghton -- 12 hours M - MOM'S NAME: Roberta N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: None anymore. O - ONE WISH: Peace P - PHOBIAS?: Um...being alone, being cheated on. Q - QUOTE: "Few things in this world can retain their heavenly glow once we understand how they work.: "There are no happy endings, because nothing ends." "Patience must be a virtue, because it's the thing that led me to you." "When the world is on fire...grab a can of gasoline and HAVE SOME FUN!" R - REASON TO SMILE: "Tell me a reason to smile and I'll show you a grin; show me why I should smile and my heart will sigh." S - SOMETHING YOU REGRET: Nothing. Everything happens for a reason, so why regret the inevitable? T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: 6 am for School U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I have bipolar disorder. But I think some people know that. V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: I love veggies W - WORST HABIT: Worrying about dumb stuff. X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Uh...6: twice on both shoulders, once on each ankle Y - YUMMY FOOD: Ramen noodles Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
Read 5 comments
i read some of ur poems on ur past entries, they're great. i write too, tell me wht u think
You, update with an actual entry! Haha hi! Love you,
hey thx, u seem like a poet critic
good night
interesting stuff