It feels like today..

Feeling: unimportant
Get over it..
It was never meant to be..and it never will be..
Another lost night..all because I cant talk to him..
mainly because he had to go away so fast and get a stupid girlfriend..I never seen it coming..
--can I get any stupider
Read 4 comments
OOOOOH. who ever that entry was towards they just received a third degree burn like my friend chris would say.

for every A u receive you get a leo kisss
on the cheek of course

i swear its like reading something id write. boys suck. but if it helps any, the hurt will get less every day. one day he'll be another face in the hall and hopefully someone better has came into your life.
me and the guy im sad about go back to 8th grade. im in 11th now. we had a connection, even at 14. he lives across town now, we go to different schools. we used to drive the 20+ miles and spend the weekend together but it "got to be too much" (even though it didnt bother me) and he suddenly had a new girlfriend. i know how you feel. i always wonder what went wrong or what i did. but guys are just stupid. wish i was gay.
lol its cool. i have a lot of those quiz things. great time wasters.