my day went wonderfully
Jon is totally
--he brought me candy :)
he was a totally cool
servant not allowed to say "slave" :p
..many people told him how bad they felt because he was
stuck with me for the day..haha I dont blame them* I dont like me either :)
--I met
Krysten she is really nice :)
[_unless its all an so self-concious_]
--nothing out of the ordinary happened today..
..but Mr.Ruberti yelled at me because well..I changed but I didnt bother to particpate :x just because I dont care ..and he was yelling at me saying like *ahhh I told mrs.blowers ..blah*blah*blah ..totally blocked it out just because I dont care* and yeahh
--Some people seriously shouldnt talk about other people being conceeded and shit ..because most people who dont think they are conceeded really are*
I hate the way people talk nowadays
Im so old fashioned-yahh know back when we all got along
Ive been thinking about
Kevan looked me in the eye today and smiled_] ..stuff like this almost
never happens to
girls like me
I made a picture..

..I dont care if you dont like it..
..But I like it..
..Im not obsessed..
..Its just a longing..


--make me one--
x3 JeS
awww @ your love note..
do teachers really think we're paying attention when they talk? I think NOT!
bu bye