Listening to: She Will Be Loved-Maroon 5
Feeling: whiney
Dear JesSe ((BrAnD nEw))
Today Me and JEs went to Wal*Mart Supercenter and went the the music department and we were picking out random titles and playing them really loud on the sampler :) it was really cool then we went in the toys cuz were like that..and we were playing with everything we could find that made noises and lit up B) and we were playing dress up I wore a cowgirl hat and rode around and this unicorn thingy and JEs wore this pink frilly feathery thingy and we were walkin around the store lookin for my mom people were lookin at us one lady was like "Im not even gonna ask" And we got these rad black zip-ups 8) and we went into the magazines after we put our stuff back and these 2 boys were lookin at me and talkin.. I felt special for a minute..even tho they were prolly talking about how ugly I am.. :p and then we went to the DELI and we thought a couple of the guys there were stoners :p so we made up our own little song Smokin in the meat room And we all know smokin aint allowed in the Supercenter haha
and then we checked out and went home..on the way home in the car JEs could seriously not eat her banana :P it was so funny she kept stickin her tounge out and she was bein so stupid then she like attacked me with her banana!! and then she was like "haha I dont have to eat it anymore!!"..she was holding grudges with her banana.. :) we got home and put the grocerys away and went to the mall 8) we went to Crossgates ((super-cool)) and we kept addding ..ness to everything for example ugliness.interestingness.hawtness.wierdness.lookingness. stuff like that..we actually annoyed ourselves but we kept doing it anyways :) ..we went into Hot Topic for a few minutes cuz JEs wanted to get a patch..and we seen this very hawt guy that worked at hot topic HaWtNeSs and then my mom made us leave..and we went into PaCsUn and I got ADIO sneakers.A Hurley shirt and a pink Volcom Stone shirt everyone kept looking at us for some reason..we must be that interesting :) and then we wanted to go into ZuMiEz because cuteness but we went into HoT tOpIc and JEs got a SlipKnoT patch I ended up getting a Senses Fail cd then on the way home we seen these 2 boys I know too bad it was Jeremiah ♥ I miss him..I was supposed to go to the movies with Jon..canceled..so I went with my cousin we seen The Excorsist it wasnt as scary as alot of people made it out to be..it was scary at all actually.. Adam loves me..I mean Adam really loves me.. I dont know how to deal because of course..I love Jon
Its the way
he kisses you
Its the way
he makes you fall in love
Beauty queen of only 18 ♥
-Thats Nick Angelo..I didnt believe it at first..but yeahh its him ♥

Star James