umm...A saturday

Hey everyone! this time its jess....the right one. hahah last night all our electricity went out and i didnt sleep very well... i kept waking up but yeah so this morning at like 5 am i had to get up and help my mom and dad find a flashlight and candles or w/e... i found one and then i got to go back to bed. hehehethen i got up at like 9:30 and ate breakfast and then i watched tv....i was watching The Real World... it was very interesting! hahah anyways then i ate dinner and after that i went outside with my younger sister and brother. we had a tube hooked up to the 4-wheeler and pulled each other around.. i fell off like a billion it was fun though. then i went shopping! yes hahha my cousin came over and played w/ my bro jordan and my other cousin ( his sister) went with me, my sis julie, and my mom to get a semi formal dress. i found one at herbergers and its like a little higher than my knees and it has like an extra peice of material and it hangs down in the front...idk its hard to explain...i got it for 40 dollars..i like it. then we went to find some shoes to go with my new dress. i got some and the we went home....i got home, my cousins left, and i helped julie clean her bird cage out and move the baby bird into a different cage....she has 3 cocateils counting the little one. i think they smell bad. lol but thats beside the point. but i should probably go now...i have to start making supper... l8r guys ~the other jess
Read 2 comments
jess do you like your diary

do you know how to read your comments i guess ill have to teach you in science lol

-the jess
jess reload the tennis one hard to explain just reload it hehe
it looks better too so ya reload it
