Sitting here....YET AGAIN!!!

Listening to: A walk to remember
Feeling: challenged
hey guess what?! im sitting here again in the imc/library thing again. and guess what again? im waiting with tom and danny g to go to speech practice....which is at like 4:15. After a little while i think that we are going to go to the theater and maybe watch the j7unior high ppl practice their musical...grant said that it sucked and that they dont do a very good job at/on it. so idk w/ yeah after that i/we are going to go to practice our speech( i m not very good at it. lol ) and after that i am going to go over to danny g's house and spend the night because then i can get a ride into town to get on the bus in time to go to the speech tourney. i wouldnt want to miss that now would i...hahahh but yeah and i guess that "strawberries" is going to call joannas place and then me and her are going to talk to like a bazillion other ppl, including Tom, ahaha and so yeah that will be interesting. Right now it is 2:53 and im going crazy....scaring myself typing...Tom wants to find so random at times...hmmmmmmmm.....o guess what? just thought that i would tell you something: like a couple days ago i found a cassette tape and i was listening to it cuz i was curious. i didnt no what was on it.......then it was the sound of music and my cuzzin used to/ love that movie. anyways there was this song on it ( we recorded it when i was like 4 or 6 or something) and at a part on it i supposedly tried to sing LOL i didnt no any of the words and yeah you get it... but at the end it was halarious!!! LMAO i sang the words and kept trying to sing higher and i couldnt ezactly get that high and yeah i guess you'd have to listen to it to get it... i thought that it was pretty funny........ so yeah thats what i thought that i would tell you or who ever reads this thing.... im going to read other ppls diaries so i'll type another thing l8r > > > > > Love always....Greg
Read 6 comments
hey need to talkabout Jeff yes there is.
i know they dont always invite you but i NEVER get invited to do stuff,. JT feels the same way, its because we only have two opportunities to have classes with you. but its how i fee
heck yes who is this jeff kid everyone keeps talking about???
who are half of the ppl your talking about and who are all your friends on this wholy shit jess

Im commenting.. because i love your username. lol.