yet another entry

Listening to: yellowcard
Feeling: active
Okay so today is saturday and this morning at like 8 am i was at the one feild place somewhere by kennedy i think idk you could ask grant if you really cared. it was 4-H field day in willmar..hahahah not like it was big or anything but was good weather..well a little dark and humid....but okay...and then at like 9:30 we had a 30 minute recess cuz it was like really windy and blowy(not a word but it is now)lol and it was starting to rain really hard.... so after 1/2 and hour we came back to that one field and played softball again. there are two different teams for each club. the little one and the big one. me grant and jordan were on the big team. it was so fun. i enjoyed it quite well. lol but yeah ....the day went on and we didnt get done untill like 4:30 or something like that. i dont feel like typing anymore so i am going to stop. I love you too denis! hehehe love always....greg
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hahaha I thought that was so funny when I clicked it and it said "jessica" in the corner.

I laughed for so long.