
Feeling: unappreciated
im tired......lol so anyways... k im sitting here playing a game on msn with adam thorpe....interesting hahah so i have a pic on my entries now...pretty cool k now im done...lol i have to get off the internet cuz my sis has to use the phone...hmmmmmmm yeah im sunburned...my shoulders hurt..and grant i only owe you one! so tomorrow morning i have yet again wake up early to be at church by like 8:30 so i have to get up at like omg! arhg! at 7......in the morning hahah i usually sleep in till 11. i have enough days i guess.. so yeah if anyone knows where i can find pics of those one stick people with square bodies(if you get that lol) please tell me where you got them.... but hey i g2g now....i might be back watch out! Love Always~* greg*~
Read 3 comments
ok i cant read teh font color but how do u even change the color lol??
hey thanks. sorry i cant add you now my friends comp. wont let me login but when i get on my comp i will for sure! :)
nice site