At school

okay so i am very eager to play in alex for tennis. hm i think. but anyways yeah i am sitting here in the computer lab. waiting for school to end...or at least this tupid class. my birthday is in 3 days! im soo excited. me and leah are looking at snowboards..very cool. i love all of them hehe. so i am just basically updating this diary...until i am not grounded. so a little board. im going to stop typing now so i'll get back to you on my life later.. i promise my entries will be more exciting to read...maybe.. love always~*** greg***~
Read 4 comments
damn girl you play tennis that is fricking awesome. I wish I could play tennis too. But my stupid gym teacher wont let me play cuz I am injured.

Have a kickass time
guess who should come to my house on monday!!!!!

you are on here and so am i ahh....iheart you..denis