steph's house

Listening to: Hawk Nelson
Feeling: geeky
okay so yesterday i went over to shephs house to work on a project for to spend the night...jessica t was supposed to come but she couldnt due to some recent activity....but i still went and it was so sosos much fun.. lol i dont think i have laughed that much for a long time. i was nice. anyways we went to walmart and bought a shit load of paper and it was only $10! yay. we only ended up using a wee bit of it though. it took us like 5-6 hours to finish it. lol but they turned out pretty sweet. "its pretty sweet if you ask me!" (pretend i have a lisp) haha funny . so yeah and we (me and steph) ate 1 LARGE pizza and 1 order of pizza fries. we each had 1/2 of everything.. lol what pigs! so yes then we went back to work for a whole like 10 min. then we were talking on tiffs walkie talkie . Was funny. and then we sat at the table and talked...more laughing though....then i made steph laugh and she spit her water that she was drinking in her lap.. lmao!! its was classic. but yesh...we had printed out words to glue on to our papre thing and i had themn laying out on my poster board..... i had to ask steph where my words were... i didnt see them... omg BLONDE MOMENT... or maybe perhaps it was the lack of sleep i was experiencing... hahah yeah that was pretty funny but we were up till the wee hours of the day.. lol ( right steph) hahah until 2:30 then we went to bed... but had to get up again at 6:00 to make breakfast so i could eat.. because i had to leave and be home by 8:00 am. so we only recieved 2 1/2 hours of sleep total.. its cool though. we finished our project and now we dont have to do it later.. hehehe i got a new cell phone! ahhhhhhh!! lol goll im going to go cut myself cuz you told me the wrong time! YOUR WERE OFF BY ONE MINUTE!!! *cries then goes and cuts wrist*
Read 3 comments
hello Jessica.
How are you?
do you have msn??
you should give me your email address if you do!
It was nice seeing you for a couple hours the other night at Sarah's house!
to bad my PS2 didn't work!!
oh well.
I liked your old people uniform thing!
you wipe old people butts!!
just kidding!
what are your plans for spring break?
I have NOTHING to do out here in Clara City all by myself.
I know, I'm lame.
new phone
thats pretty sweet if you ask me
did you get a new number?
good times