I should not be here right now...

Listening to: ppl talking
Feeling: whiney
Im at school right now and its like 7:30 in the morning! lol i had to get up earlier to get a ride from jenny, my cussin, if i didnt want to ride the bus to school. So yeah i got up and now im here. lol still a little tired though. I babysat last night and didnt get home till like 10:30. but whatever... i have no idea what else to write cuz i cant think now, but whatever... gonna quit now Greg :)
Read 2 comments
Wow, thats pretty damn early to be at school.
Where are you from exactly? And what school opens at 7:30?

obviously ours does and IT SUCKS ANUS!...well its pretty oky, but the bell just rang so we gotta go.. later