
i feel sick... i dont know why. i was just sick. ugh! i am working on my speech for communications. its gay.. i did it on the benefits of sleeping. its supposed to be 4 min but mones not. its only 3:40 that angers me. so i made a visual aide that is ALMOST pointless. but it takes up time so it is good i think
Read 10 comments
nice new layout dear it looks marvelous.. how are you doing this fine break..
ahhh i love baking.. lol.. ugh my break has been pretty good yesterday was ok but today was better as i got to see two beauty queens lol christa and sarah lol they both had there proms this weekend and yeah it was pretty cool.. i never seen you yesterday at willmars but i heard you were inside sorry i didnt go look for you.. its hard cuz its just soooo full so yeah.. but i hope you had fun..
yes see you later on monday deary.. i hope you had an awesome weekend..
hey Jess. im glad to see that some people notice that im on. sorry it took me so long to notice though. i was kinda busy writting a freaking HUGE entry about all the drama that went on today. there was so much drama, one of my friends fainted! literally..... anyway, have an awesome night jess!
but at least its our last speech...17 days left!@@!!!!monday
ugh that anonymous note was from me sorry i like clicked it before i wrote stuff lol.. umm but yes the point of my comment was to say that my speech ended up being 5.15 as i talked to slow so i would make it longer urgh stupid speech lol now ill be docked for overtime
you are gay
you suck at life
whos the retard who wrote those last 2 comments? cause i think they should get a life...