I rEaLlY dOnT hAvE tO pEe...

Listening to: nothing important...
Feeling: icky
i really dont have to pee, i just thought it was a cool thing to say. today was interesting.........anyways, in french today i stepped over a chair and i tripped! i basically practically fell ! lmao i couldnt say anything cuz it had to be in french. so i looked like an idiot, but it was fun... did you know that i like to make ppl happy and see them smile? yeah i do. thats me. yup. me. i want to eat. eat a piece of cinnomon bread that is. but toasted. lol. i feel very very very random. but maybe that is cuz i really dont have anything to talk about. huh. maybe. i think this is fun. yeah. so speech is over. and yeah. hmmmmmmmm. i just got done watching gilmore girls. and i also just got off the phone. i was talking to grant. joanna REALLY needs to update her diary. its basically practically one month old. and a few days. im pondering on what to call this entry. i really dont know. hmmmmmmmmmm. yup.just sitting here thinking.....mmhhmmmmmm. putting periods where they dont really belong. this is fun. still thinking though. ppl prolly think im weird now. hmmmmmmm. know what?. i like mountain dew.whats your fav. kind of pop? maybe youy dont drink pop. lol . k this is going to get annoying soon.......i'll stop now....im going to go gopher trapping now.. i'll have fun..(jk) lol i think its boring. k whatever. l8r > > > > love Always~ greg*~
Read 3 comments
you are extremly durranged however you spell that oh well your a jessica right jessica lol

well bye from

torkelson needs to know you spell her name jesca not jess-ca gosh she is such and ... u know what i was gonna say ... any way je t'aime tu so c-ya tomorrow in math i cant wait to make angels.. wait that made no dollars! c-ya
sunday's my birthday!!!!!!! by the way i love your diary!!!!!!!!!