Pep Band

okay so in the mnorning i have to get up super early... at like 5:45 and get ready for school and meet yoanna at school by 7:00am...IN THE MORNING (usually when i wake up..NORMALLY) so then we are going to go to some place special and buy stuff to eat for our pep band trip to moorhead..( spelling?) because we are two fat asses who cant not eat. lol jk jk i am but joannas not.. haha anyways then we are going to be riding a coach bus for like 4 hours up AND back . fun fun i think that im going to go to sleep on the way home beings that when we get home me and yoanna are going to go to my house and watch RENT .. that one movie. then we will go to bed.... most likely fall asleep watching the movie... and then we will have to get up early again so that i can take joanna to dance. i think that it is going to be fun.... and as for saturday and sunday for me i am going to have to go to work.,...again.. from 2-10pm on both days... hmmmmm yeah... then back to school for the week, BUT THEN AFTER THAT WEEK IS SPRING BREAK!!! im so happy... i get to sleep in. but anywasy yes pep band should be lots of fun.... cant forget to wear all red! Thank you so mu h for doing that steph! omg i love you to pieces... you didnt have to do that you know... thanks a bunch! lots of love~ Jess
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ill tell him too but just cuz i tell him to doesnt mean he will.. and what does steph mean in my freako diary.. about its not gonna change what she thinks about us.. what does she honestly think about us.. im pretty sure im sorry for the things ive said and she can know that now even though theres nothin to apologies for EXCEPT yes i do apologies for grants story as its rude.. but what does she think.. and ill go tell grant k..?
i hope you and joanna have fun tomorrow.. i have to go to a gay princess party for girl scouts.. yeah.. no not really.. hwat a geek i am.. did you finish your essay thing..
whoa i went to grants diary and all of it is gone.. theres none left.. like honestly wierd.. he must be deleting it..
woot i finished!!