The day after yesterday

Feeling: geeky
hey so yeah yesterday all day i went to a speech tourney in was sections or something...and i was just going to watch but yeah popp asked me if i could fill in for someone who was gone...i was like uhhhhmmmmm...sure..? and yeah im used to doing dramatic duo but this was serious prose! lol i suck at it! o well...yeah so i 5-5-5, thats a bad score. hokay so on the way home it was me, grant, jodi b, and whoever else was there (around us)....grant had these gooffy/geekish looking glasses..they were great. but on the way home i put my hair in a ponytail on the very top of my head and then i put the glasses on and laughed...grant was making fun of me...hahaha...but then! and then! and then...i added a snort to the on purpose of course! it was hilarious....i felt pretty stupid and geeky....oh! and then me and jodi got to put make-up on grants face....hahah...we mad his nose all blue, and put different colors (of eyeshadow) all over his face, yeah and then we took eyeliner and wrote on his face 2! lol it was funny. so yesh! yesterday was pretty fun...OH almost forgot!..we also went shopping foir 1 hr afterwards and guess what?! lmao! grants now a man!!!! lol he went into Victoria's Secret with me and Jodi. niice grant!....hokay so today i went to church and then i came home and i ate and then played nintendo 64 for 10 min. and then i went gopher trapping with julie jordan and mom. we got 2 gophers..we get $ for catching them....yeah so i guess thats pretty cool yeah now i am painting mine and my sis's (julie-her diary is farmergirl) toenails and fingernails.... yeah so thats all i was going to say...i will prolly be back l8r but 4 now i am going to go... > > > >~*greg*~
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yeah it sounds like u have fun that day with grant and jody. yeha wats new with the 5-5-5 for your score? that is wat u always get!lol sry.