nerdy? haha

Listening to: Lonestar
Feeling: old
Overall, I scored as follows: 85% scored higher (more nerdy), and 15% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either. _______________________ I am nerdier than 15% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
Read 4 comments
i definately loove your background...and i definately miss you..sorry youre gonna get a buncha comments on this and none on the others..but yeah. i love this. and i know how you feel about teh car...i have the same problem, but with more time and stuff...and i have the same family problems, parents cant threaten to take away my friends because i have none here..well...none close enough anyway..and im still single and i will be for a whil
while* so dont you worry either...and if you ever need to talk you know my numbers...and yes, when you pay off your car you need to come see me, i havent seen you for a very long time, jessica rae and i miss you oh so much..and if everyones getting boyfriends, dont worry you dont want theirs, you want one who makes you feel as special as you really are. and none of this phony crap. oh and read that thing in joannas need a guy like that
and dont worry about being nerdy ebcasue im a bajillion times nerdier than you are! and you know it..take it to your grave though, dont tell anyone...hey....hawk nelson's playing the weekend before your birthday up here...i think you might enjoy that...think about it...if you have questions you know who to ask.

jake smith looks so much better with hair.
oh wow, and i forgot to sign this...

i miss you oh so verrrry much.

