
my grampa had a stroke. He had an MRI done today or yesterday. idk what day. but thats how he found out. my mom told me that tonight. thats why he cant walk very well. mom said that hes okay though.. im glad.
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you changed the background.. and i went to that movie its kind of like the brady bunch cuz like two parents get married and they already have a bajillion kids it was an ok movie.. im sorry about your grandpa i hope he gets better as thats not good.. my grandpa had a stroke but that was a few years ago.. its scary when someone really close to you is gonna die or is hurting..


i love you
im glad your grandpa is ok. its always so sad whenever people get strokes....
sorry about your grampa. that's sad. i hope hes alrite. ♥all the time.
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which grandpa was it that had a stroke? grandpa koll or your grandpa? im sorry jessie:( i love you....and this is caitie strommer by the way.