Im Back

Feeling: sane
hey all i am now back from my trip to boundary waters....if you even noticed. i feel like i have missed sooooooo much while i was gone.....all of my friends are like 'breaking up' and im sad now cuz i thought that we were all doing great together. its okay to tell people how you feel, but dont yell at them while doing it. im not pinpointing anyone. just letting all know. i hate it when friends fight...especially mine. whatever...i fell like you guys are the only friends that i have and if we all break apart then it will be soo much harder to be friends with everyone cuz someone will always be mad at someone and it will get to me... whatever...i wasnt here...i wasnt even missed...cept by joanna and maybe steph...but they are the only ones who noticed... i hope that sonshine was fun without me...whatever.. i had a big fight with my mom today(the day i got back)..i hate this..i didnt even want to come back home..i didnt miss anyone from home at one just all my friends...i dont know why but i cant ever get along with my family..i feel like i dont belong ...idk..i'll just quit. l8r everyone Love Always~* greg*~
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i missed much like what i told you yesterday about when me and joanna talked about me and you.....i am so thankful for that.....i hope you know that i did miss you so much....and i will see you at teh fair!! love you soo much.adn remember come over or call when ever you want!!luv denis