Who am I?

How come i cant figure out who i am? i hate it...at school i am one person and at home im another...im not 2-faced but its just that i love my friends but at home my family is not even close to being my friends....i hope that i really am the person i am at school. that would be awesome....i cant wait to move out i hate my mom and mydad too but right now i hate mom more we had a big huge fight on the way home from town its prolly dumb but i hate her i dont get how she can say my bro helped out more than me when he really didnt..... but besides what we were talking about she is almost like...calm ya know she never blows up...she used to though. but she always needs the last word and things like that. w/e i cant wait to move out so anyways on the other hand...... i am going to be leaving for washington AD.C on Saturday and im super excited for it to come i want to leave home for a long while Jessica Torkelson and zach and ppl like that are coming its going to be so cool! So im 1/2 packed already and yeah...hmmnmmm...confusing....stupid luggage thing at the airport thing..hahaha On Friday or Thursday to Friday i am going to go to my cuzzy coles house and spend the day there cuz my cousins form New York are coming to visit for a while but i can only see them for one or two days cuz i have to leave to dc but its cool...yeah they come here every year they are so cool.. lol they have accents! hahahah i want an accent...anyways that should be fun being i will be with my fav cuzzins before i go. im going to stop now...'for i get carried away.. l8r everyone! Love Always~* greg*~
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hey, just dont do anything drastic. like cut or anything okay nothing is ewver worth that. and i love you. thats all ou need to know! lol
but things happen with your family that you hate and hey at least you have friends around you can talk to! i love you lots and never forget me...PLEASE!