me and joanna.. we went to movie galery to rent a movie or two got to the check out counter and the guy told us we could get 3 more free or something okay we will we got 3 more went to get them and think we will get to leave rather quickly lol no we were laughing b/c he told the people in front of us that they had to pick up their movies tomorrow b/c it was 7 min past closing time... so we started laughing he asked us if there was something on his face and told us that he was self-consious no there wasnt he kept talking, i kept answering, and me and joanna kept laughing.... he was totally hitting on us. i didnt see that untill joanna told me lol he had beautiful blue eyes though... that he did... he was in college (we think) he thought that we were 17. i was like no we are 16. (fool!) his face was so funny. his jaw dropped in disbelief.. lol We left with FIVE movies 10 minutes later
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i love your new colors!! sounds like fun!!
sorry,i didnt hear my phone,and wasnt at grand march.i dont know whyididnt hear it,did you call my cellphone? did itell you i got a new phone #?monday