i dont know what to call this

Feeling: moodless
Fucking computer! my god! i just got done writing this entry and it ALL erased! here i'll type it again. I hate my dad god....he can just go suck a nut or something. Last night i sat on the couch and asked my dad what show he was watching ... he answered me... then i ask another question he totally spazes at me for nothing! he's like cant you ever shut up? so of course i went upstairs in my room and told him not to talk to me the rest of the night and to leave me alone! Last night i got a call from some ppl and so i talked to them for a while while i was doing my hw and then i got off later to finish my hw. okay so later when my dad comes up to bed and like barges into my room without knocking or anything gosh! can we say PRIVACY? Anyways so he starts yelling at me about how i dont have my hw done yet and that it was because i was on the phone. He's like you could have started it before...( um NO I COULDNT I WAS HELPING HIM MILK THE STUPID COWS!) and im like " no its not cuz i was on the phone, its because i chose to do it later and not earlier... god!" so he keeps telling me that and then he goes on about how that if i want to be in the musical and in tennis and in speech next year and that i would need a job....i was like yeah gosh i already no that! and you no what he said? hes said that i wouldt be able to get a job.. i was like " yeah thanks you really have a lot of faith in me dont you?" he said that he never said that but i no he did. i was so mad/angry at him so i told him to get out of my room and leave me alone...i had to finish my hw. and he said that he wasnt going to get out of my room until i apoligized to him for what i did. i was like " what the hell did i do huh? ( except i didnt say hell i said heck, cuz otherwise he would totally spaz at me)but yeah then he goes on about other stuff and im really not listening to him anymore and i could care less of what hes saying..... i was crying by now...i no it prolly sounds dumb or some thing but yeah i was....so FINALLY after like about 15 minutes he left and he didnt shut the door all the way so i shut it and he told me not tho slam the door!... god i didnt slam the damn door! i shut it 3 times after that cuz he kept opening it and not closing it all the way so god yeah i was or pissed off at him ...jeez.... so yeah i cried myself to sleep last night after i snapped myself with a rubberband...you no ...when you put a rubberband on your wrist and then sanp it.. yeah.....yes...it hurt..but only at first.. then it was numb..so it didnt hurt that much....yes...it left a mark...so i thought that i could tell jenna about the band thing and so i did and i showed her and then she took my rubberband away from me. i was dumb enouhg to give it to her... yeah so shes like" snapping is just as bad as cutting" and im like no its not its better than cutting...you dont actually cut into yourself just leave marks...and it goes away after a while. so yeah my day wasnt so good.... but of course i kept it to myself.... > > > >*~greg~*
Read 7 comments
oh my gosh...my comp does that all the time!
hey your on sit diary right now and so am i
lol hey jess
jessica dont do that to yourself you obviously know its bad for you and im proud of you actually using this thing as a diary not a chat line lol jk but jessica your dads dumb he only does that to you because your the older daughter and the oldest ones always have more trouble and the younger ones just get to remember what happens to them cuz i remember when my sister got in trouble i always felt bad cuz my dad can be an ass toobut i love you jess
doing that with rubberbands feels good....not to encourage you or anything but yeah. thanks for not using this to talk to everyone...that got really annoying and yeah...i dont know i kind of want to tell you the diary...but then i dont because everyone else will get mad and ask me why i didnt tell them and why they cant read it and yeah...

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I will be back becuz people get mad at me for wat i right heheheheahahahaha Kariotke was fun ask danyou and you can come hehehehe

From Warrior
Im sorry babe, i know how you feel it happens to me too so know that youre not alone. it sucks at least he doesnt hityou though. You could always been in a worse situation
I love you.