
you should hate yourself grant. i hate you for it. and you are going around saying that you arnt involved in any drama or shit and so now you are .. if thats what you want to call it. im thinking that i should tell lauren.. hmmmmmmmm maybe i will
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dont delete it.. if thats how you want to feel then fine let it be that way.. but next time think before you write something like that.. and how am i too know what steph is saying if i cant read hers because im no longer on her friends list.. and dont add me now that you have deleted me because i obviously dont belong on it..
Feelings are feelings sweetie. This stuff will pass, What ever happened... Just remember that I LOVE YOU and the people who are your "friends" will forgive you, and hopefully see your feelings in this, instead of pointing fingers about who should be at fault! If you ever need anyone to talk to... you know I am just a phone call away! Muah!
how much do you want to bet that that conversation has been changed....i bet a couple million....sad
that is retarted!
oh and who said i wasn't involved in the drama... i am the drama hun... get used to it...
what is there to change on the convo?? i didnt say anything wrong....i guess im confused...
for being nice... trying to set things striaght.. you know there is alist 3fricken miles high of everything you have done to me... why is it you seem to hate me... am i that ugly... fine.. you know what if you are gonnna be mean about this... dont expect sympathy!
ok... if there is a war, let there be on... jess it started because i told you not to tell anyoen... you tell steph and then shen asks me aobut it... i ask you and you LIED FIRST... then i had to lie to trick you into telling the truth... but you cant HANDLE the truth so you LIED A FEW MORE TIMES... oh yeah and steph the convo is saved and printed multiple times... you cant change it now
oh and jess i apologized and you bitched me out for...
or story i have heard.. it was mean.. and i dislike what you said.. as someone like grant shouldnt die.. whether you were joking or not.. saying something like that is serious.. i dont think it is right.. im dissapointed.. and you and steph shouldnt be making assumptions about me.. and this is why i try to stay out of this kind of shit gosh damn it.
you should be happy about something like that.. because someone like grant is pretty cool like ya everyone can agree he can be annoying but so can everyone else.. and he can sometimes be a poop.. but im pretty sure i can be more of a bitch then him.. hmm.. jess i just wanted the point of you telling someone to die is harsh and i think it is a very low level to go to.. i dont know where you came up with something like that.. no matter what "side"
wow that is harsh! i hope you thought before you typed that jessica!
i know.right.. finally its your turn.. lmao.. jk
thats too funny...
is steph saying im mad.. im not mad.. im in a crappy mood today.. without either of your twos or anyone elses help.. ya know jess i was only telling you mainly that it is very harsh of you to tell someone to die.. ya know.. maybe i should consider it as you wanting me to die.. let me put myself in grants shoes at the moment.. and ya know what.. im pretty sure suicide would be on my mind.. but his mood probably isnt as crappy as mine right now..
probably doesnt..
let her be mad then..
when in fact none of that was said, thus causing jessica to wonder if i was talkign shit about her..which did not happen..mhm jeez i wonder who screwed up ....
of course he is going to tell "his" wrong side of the story what do you expect...i asked a question like,,what are you telling everyone about it... he turned it around as if i was talking shit..mhm would you like to see the conversation..nowhere in there is there a jessica except at the end where he jess is dead..mhm...he shouldnt have lied to me on msn and then called you and totally LIED to you on the phone...saying i said all of this shit
well i heard his side of the story and it sounds as if you lied to him to.. and its not like you havent lied to him before jess. as you have.. such as his diary and other things. not to be sticking up for him exactly even though i kind of am.. but thats because you said something that is pretty harsh.. i dont really care how mad you might be at grant.. what you have typed is pretty harsh..