
So today went okay.. i went to tennis but then when i got in the car to go home my mother starts harping on me..again. about my car.always. i hate it. i need to somehow come up with 300 dollars before october....but thats just for insurance! and then i have to get another 252 before/during october.. its bull sh**. i need so much money that i dont have. and i only have 150 in the bank. woohoo. thats gonna get it. i dont think so. so im broke and if i get a job there would be no way for me to get there cuz i wont be able to use my car cuz its not paid off but i cant pay it off unless i get a job, but then it goes in a damn circle. i seriously need money big time...hopefully i get money for my b-day ..hmmmm and then yeah jessica i might not even be able to go to the party/ your house/sunday. because i got in a big fight with my mom....she threatens to take everything from me..my friends too...thats nice, right.. :( i hate it here most of the time.. yeah and they then ask me to milk. yeah right like i am going to do anything for them... everyone is getting boyfriends or someone who REALLY cares about them and im not,....im in my own little world...hating it.. I miss you too britty. i will drive up to see you if i ever pay off my car.. iHEARTyou and miss you more than you think.. Love you! mwah "Lost in a different world"....greg
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don't you worry dear. I have no boyfriends, and am predicting that i won't for a while.. just knowing me.. and my insane issues with guys.we can be superduperly single together! w00t.

i'm liking the backround.. shaweet.

sorry about your insano family, if you ever want to come over or call, feel free. You're always welcome!
