i forgot something...

Listening to: who cares ne more
Feeling: sane
k so i almost sarted crying when i started thinking of britty moving...and yeah she has done a friend line thing for everyone cept me...:( w/e thogh.... so yeah now i guess grant feels "free" cuz he doesnt like me anymore...? idk but i take that as that i held him back or something? idk w/e i really dont want britty to leave! im going to cry now...im going to go and do my hw...and think...its never good when i think but forget it..l8r Love Always~*greg*~
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and jessica t
Greg dear...i wasnt donw with mny friend lines. and im working on it now
i love you lots. hope you had fun at your paryy!!!
wish i cudda been there!
love lots.