
Feeling: bummed
heey...cool day at school...but it coulda been cooler, ya know?...err guys are so extremely confusing...i never get a hey..even when im walking with amanda..she always gets a hey..and im right next to her and i dont get a hey...i swear he hates me...(zeke)..amanda says its because i never talk to him, but honestly...how am i supposed to talk to him if i only see him once a day, passing him in the halls..why couldnt i just be in one of his classes..one?! thats all i need but noo...i swear its sooo not worth it, maybe giving up on him is whats going to make me stop stressing out over it? maybe i just have to do it to make my life easier..sometimes thats the only thing u can do..but i really dont want to...hes part of the reason why im happy to get up in the morning for school, part of the reason why im so excited to go to school..just to see him for that one moment..but in this case,that one moment where he totally passes me by, prolly doesnt even know im there, oh well, no one said life was easy...i should really stand there and be happy for my best friend,and try not to let him get to me, but every time i hear about him i crash back down again...ive liked him for a long time..i just dont kno if its worth it all.. anyway... totally bummed out right now and i dont think much can cheer me up well i better go bye |sometimes, all u can do is hold your head up high and be proud for what you have become not for what you want to be|
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hey, you asked me about starting line? i never really knew it was a song, lol, it was just kinda by coincidence that i picked that username. i've never really heard starting line, so i can't tell ya if i like them or not, but i'll look into their lyrics and get back to ya on that! smiles, me
p.s.i completely agree with the last little part in your entry-be proud of who you are, don't give in to society and it's pressures! :)
hey! yea, you seem like a cool person too! :) good luck with that boy situation u got there...if all else fails, make this your philosophy:boys are stupid, throw rocks at them! lol i saw it on a wallet once, and it had me at hello!u write poetry 2?u should post some on ur journal (if you want, lol)...judging from the quote at the bottom of your entry, your other stuff should be awesome. :) well, ttyl, smiles!!!