[x. Mood .x]content.!
hey in 3rd period study hall in the library...hmmm today...has been pretty good SO FAR...not bad..ashley and jess are right next to me working on a project...erins not here :( where is she?? humm...maybe people stole the library from her...its awfully quiet without her ill say that much..lol
today there is an EVIRONMENTAL CLUB!! hell yeah!..haha "saving the world one tree at a time!!" hahaha its gunna be a blast...yeah right haha
hmm im not sure if i can talk about something right now..because someone next to me might be looking and its a surprise..so ill write about it later lol
we arent allowed to go online in the library anymore..it sucks..but no one was ever on when i was on anyway lol so its not so bad..
YAY! i ordered a messenger bag from dtr...its soooo cool i like it..even tho i like amandas better lol but i didnt want to be a poser..hahaha...itll be here like next week and i dont want to wait that long...lol im gunna be so happy when it comes
we're doing the flexed arm hang today in gym and i dont want to...yesterday we did the sit up test and the jump test thing and my stomach hurts now cauz the sit ups...yeah and now my arms are gunna hurt because of the flexed arm hang...lol im gonna be hurting really bad..and then we do the mile..then my legs will hurt...ahh my goddd....oh well ill live? i hope..lol
yesterday i took my dog for a walk..and it was scary...wanna know why? okay lol..i live like in the middle of the woods kind of...and i went on this dirt trail near the woods w/ my doggy and then we started hearing (or i started hearing lol) gunshots so im like ehh i think ill turn around now...so i turned around and i was going to go this one way through the woods to get to my house...and i was almost to the trail and i heard these howlingish sounds..and i was like..uh thats nothing?? and i kept hearing it and it sounded really close so i started running away to go the other way lol and i got the bottom of my shoes all black cauz its a tire pit sorta...but the tires burned like 10 years ago and theres all this black soot stuff and it got all over my shoes...but i managed to clean it up even tho it was really messy...well good to say i got home in one piece..haha so im safe now...:D yay..lol
we switched seats in world civ and i sit all the way near the windows..i dont like my seat very much..its cold over there because the windows and i dunno..i just dont like it lol
uhm...yes..haha i think ill go now...i have algebra homework to do and i said all ive wanted to say..