Listening to: the get up kids-sick in her skin
Feeling: sinful
this song..makes me want to cry.
can i cry?
its too sad.
im going to share it with you:
Baby Deleilah
Sick in her skin
Out on the highway livin for nothing
but him
It's the same old song again
his absence she defends
on and on and on forever she says
"he should still be here"
Hooks in her heart
so Escape if you can
Clear out the room and
open the window
I'll fly in
Blood on the table
She made up her mind
All of the talks we had were for nothing
But I tried
It's overwhelming them
his absence she defends
On and on and on forever she says
It's all over now, It's all over now
It's all over now, It's all over now
It's all over now, It's all over now
It's all over now, It's all over now
on and on and on forever she said
"he should still be here"
sorry to be such a loser and share songs with you..its the cool thing to do ;)
so you like the new layout?? im loving it..
especially my lovely new picture up there
i feel so bad. i skipped practice today. but i swear i woulda gone if i had a ride..really i would?? well im going on friday anyways
i still havent gotten any farther in my book...i dont have the courage to pick it up and continue where i left off..because its really sad and scary..its just sitting there on the desk haunting me
not to mention i have only read a little more than nothing in the book i am supposed to be reading for school..
maybe i should add pathetically trying to read novels on my summer list?
but its not like theres much to do here that i can get away with anyways..my boring town..my boring neighborhood (definitely stretching that one a bit too far..my "neighborhood")..my boring house
:-) but thats okay
everyone should try to happy because its a good thing
well then. degrassi is almost on so i better jet..!

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