i finally got this computer fixed so i dont have to tie up the other one. im happy. :D
yesterday was so much fun. i went to the beach with my sister and jason. i wasnt exactly supposed to be in the car because he could only have 1 passenger, so i was illegal ;).
we went to my aunts house and then down to the beach. i layed out for like a half hour but i really didnt get much sun at all..which im really pissed about but oh well. then i went out to dinner w/ keri and her friend ashley, whos really cool, and the rest of the family. we saw some VERY hot waiters lol so next time i go to the beach i know exactly where i want to go out to eat..
then we went mini golfing. it was so cute..beau (my 3 year old cousin) is so adorable it isnt even funny.
then we went back to the beach house..to the bay for a little then i left. i got home around 11 so i spent a good 9 hours down there so it was all good.
i watched ghostbusters this morning. and now im watching pirates of the carribean. im supposed to get together w/ susan today because theres this project or something due tomorrow..oops? lol.
oh yeah friday was the carnival thing at school. it was awesome..sorta. we had school till like 12 or something and then we went outside. i (well...maybe not me..more like maria and ashley but i know that i should have and now i regret it..) gave dave my screen name. i was happy about it at the time but i dont know anymore. i should have gone over to talk to him but i SUCK at talking and first impressions and whatnot that sort of shit. now the kid prolly thinks im some weirdo..and he hasnt imed me yet and i havent stopped thinking about that.. guess i just gotta wait and see what happens. i hope i didnt screw it up..? i wish i knew what people were thinking sometimes..i just wanted to get to know him before i can actually say i like him that way..you know?
welll after that whole thing i played hacky sack or whatever w/ erin jess and morgan..for like the 2nd time..lol. and its most definitely going to be my summer hobby..even though i suck right now but by the end of the summer im going PRO! lol yeah right..
ugh..school tomorrow. i was dreading it this whole weekend. most definitely a dissapointing weekend (if you know what i mean..)
well.. im gonna go.. call susan about the project or something. ill write later..maybe


I used to like The Starting Line a lot.
But not so much any more.
I'm not sure why.
I like your backround though.
Please help me.
I have no clue how.
I give up on trying to put a backround picture up..
and second.. there should be like.. a no more chasing guys club.. its unfair they have to do absolutly no work anymore!
hacking.. yes.. fun!
we might be getting a pool!
hacking + pool = great fun!