end of break of the spring

Feeling: hip
hey havent written in a couple of days.. well..good to say my spring break actually became of some use on saturday. i chilled with ashley, susan, krystle, mitch(hmmm..no), and ashley from my tennis team. it was pretty cool. we went to uc and stuff and "loitered" around out front lol for like an hour. susan and mitch got into a water and soda fight. it was quite a good show. and then we went back to krystles. yesterday was pretty boring actually..nice day..pity i had to ruin it by staying on the computer all day..typical me. today..first day back from spring break. everyone was tan or sunburned. except..me..of course lol cauz im so lazy. i was good with words today..i dont know its weird so dont ask lol major sit diary breakthrough for me..i got 57 comments on my last entry..although it might be a little cheating because i was having running conversations by commenting. mostly trying to get joel's [blackromance] comments up to 200. he made it because he is a pimpwhore..last remaining since the rest of the pimpwhore breed died out. lol..and today it got to 300 comments because hes..popular with the girlies. my dog ran away yesterday again :( me and my brother had to go outside like 7 in the morning to find her. and she smelled like shit so guess who had to give her a bath...AGAIN?! yep..that would be me. its so super nice out today!! and it was since saturday. it feels like summer and im happy..not just because i dont have to wear my coat everywhere i go because im the type of person who gets cold easily, but because {this may sound cheesy} but it makes everything feel so happy!! haha im thinking whether i should get bangs or not...hmmm ^not like anyone cares :D [youve made a lasting impression and if it doesnt feel right then i just cant go wrong ive been sleeping with the lights on so if i wake in the night your picture is clearly in sight] wooh love this song...a lot im off now..to do something or other saRah ps-i have noticed that i look at more peoples journals then i actually do at mine...hmmmmm pps-i added a pic of me up there :D because im a dork...you like? ppps-i thought these little icons were hilarious...i found them on some site..? haha thought id show them to you thats TOO funny
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Apperance: four
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****: ten

NOTE__All journals are rated according to my opinion. To take offense to rating would only be ridiculous for this is just fun and games!
you clearly must
haha i have a pic up in the corner too!..cause im cool..u didnt put in the 3 question thing..so ill ask anyway!...1. Where is your left shoe right now! 2. How old is your eldest pet? and 3. Who is your daddy!
thanks! i love your diary too!
1-definately not
2-it most definately will.
3-i dropped it
Yes! To run out of colors would be a very long entry. But I choose to stick to the rainbow, keep the pride colors! : - ) Starting Line, what a great band. Eek! And Fraggle Rock! I love them both! Have a great day, love! Sorry to hear about your dog running away. Quite a bugger to deal with after finding it again.

Thats right im the man in joels picture yeah yesterday was ok joel got in huge ass trouble and if he is ever caught at my house the cops will be called lol but i didnt get any weed i just got really drunk before school i hope your 4-20 was better than mine peace
im goin to the May 2 show.... have fun!!!! mwah
bummer. i mean.. u like when guys uh.. that pic sarah! i know u like it. you wish it was mistah so then u could.. hmm.. him righT? yes i am right cause im always right! and you LOVE him! you want to hug hiM! u want to touch his pimply gross yucky neck and lick it!!
Muffins are awesome.
You're not the only one that ruins nice days...I just sit around on my lazy butt.