[x. Mood .x]

hey..havent written in a while...
sunday-went over amandas house and we took MORE pictures! haha...w/ amanda danielle and erin...and we were lost in the woods lol and it was just like out of a horror movie..but we made it out!! lol
monday-no school...stayed home basically all day and went out to eat last night..thats basically it uhuh yep
hmmm..and today was sorta okay..i was really tired for some reason and my eyes kept feeling like they wanted to fall shut...prolly cauz the 3 day weekend haha...in gym we played basketball..and did the sit and reach test thing...yay!!! not about sit and reach cauz it was painful lol but about basketball because that means NO MORE VOLLEYBALL!! hell yeah hahaha..im soo happy ;)
huummm...im bored now...my life is so boring haha
i think ill go..dont feel like typing anymore


Hello, grab your bag and let's go.
More out of place than anything you know.
Like an opera at a disco.
When all you wanted was a rock show tonight.